Sunday 15 September 2024

The hour is so late now. May the few who hear this and do what the Lord is calling them to do, be given special grace to leave the chains and trappings of religion behind them once and for all. 

Message from Chris Wickland

#christiannation #housechurch #ukincrisis #ukchristianity 

Click on link above, not on the picture.

Saturday 29 June 2024

‘For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.’ (Matthew 24:37).

Tyrian purple (Ancient Greek: πορφύρα porphúra; Latin: purpura, Heb. אַרְגָּמָן - argāmān), also known as royal purple, imperial purple, or imperial dye, is a reddish-purple natural dye. The name Tyrian refers to Tyre in the southern Levant, once called Phoenicia, now Lebanon.

Secreted by several species of predatory sea snails in the family Muricidae, rock snails originally known by the name Murex (Bolinus brandaris, Hexaplex trunculus and Stramonita haemastoma), in ancient
times, extracting this dye involved tens of thousands of snails and substantial labour, so the dye was highly valued. The coloured compound is 6,6'-dibromoindigo. It was the colour used (apart from blue and red) to dye the garments of the monarchs and High Priest of Israel, and had symbolic and religious significance, symbolising royalty, majesty and holiness.

Indigo is the 6th colour of the rainbow - the bow that God set in the sky as a sign of His promise that the world would never again be wiped out by a flood. I remember, at my English primary school, the day that we were taught the 7 colours of the rainbow, and being given the 'Eselsbrücke' ROYGBIV, to help us remember them.

'...knowing the sequence of colors in a rainbow is essential for meteorologists who use this information to analyze atmospheric conditions. By studying how light interacts with water droplets at different angles and temperatures, scientists can gain insights into weather patterns and predict severe weather events accurately. Moreover, artists and designers often use the color spectrum as a basis for creating aesthetically pleasing designs. Understanding how each hue relates to one another in terms of brightness and saturation allows them to create visually harmonious compositions that evoke specific emotions or convey certain messages. In addition, learning about the rainbow color order has important educational value as well. It serves as an excellent introduction to topics such as physics (light behavior), mathematics (angles and geometry), and even cultural studies (rainbows hold significance in many
mythologies around the world).'

It's important to educate our children about the true number of colours of the rainbow. Why does the colour order matter? Because it's a fact. It's the truth.

These days, there is a growing movement, pushed by a conglomerate of people who reject the Biblical God; New Age spiritualists, neo-Marxists etc, to make deviancy go mainstream under the aegis of ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ (DEI). Its most conspicuous manifestation is activism celebrated under the name of ‘Pride’, and it has co-opted the rainbow as its symbol – the difference being that this ‘rainbow’ has SIX colours, not seven. This will inevitably lead to children believing that there are only six colours in the rainbow, and associating it, whenever they see it, with LGBTQ+ deviancy. How many adults are themselves immune to this kind of brainwashing?

There is a huge amount of money being pumped into this movement, fuelled by global corporations, led by neo-pagans, the Green movement, politicians and globalist bodies who’ve bought into the Climate Lie, who believe that the world’s population is too high, when current figures show that the opposite is the case. These corporations support medical foundations pushing trans-gender surgery on vulnerable children – nothing less than child-abuse of the most evil and heinous kind. Children are being indoctrinated/brainwashed into this aberration in schools. Infants are being subjected to Drag queen shows in their own kindergartens. School libraries stock pornographic cartoons pushing sexual deviancy on young minds. There is ample evidence for this. The same perversion is being pushed in everyone else’s faces in every possible way.

The ironic thing is that SIX is the Biblical number for man, particularly, man in rebellion against God.

The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health’s website explains on the webpage: A BRIEF HISTORY OF OUR LGBTQIA2-S PRIDE FLAG:

‘Baker and Segerblom’s flag debuted at the Gay Freedom Day Parade in SF in 1978. Each of the original eight colors had their own unique symbolism. Hot pink: sex; Red: life; Orange: healing; Yellow: sunlight; Green: nature; Turquoise: magic and art; Indigo: serenity; and Violet: spirit. The original flag’s hot pink and turquoise stripes were soon removed because of difficulty manufacturing and/or dying the fabric, resulting in the six-color rainbow flag we are familiar with today.

The very symbol which God gave us to remind us of the Flood; His judgment on a perverted world has been deliberately mutated, and used to inundate everyone in the same kind of filth for which the world back then was destroyed; so much so, that we're afraid to use the rainbow any more.

I think it's time followers of Jesus stood up and reclaimed it.


Tuesday 2 January 2024

 Zionism, Palestine and the 'Freedom Movement'

We are seeing such polarisation these days. There is division among groups which were united on the subject of mRNA Covid-19 injections, and even on the subject of the Ukraine-Russian War. These are now saying that Israel is engaged in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza in order to push its own economic and energy interests, vis à vis the Ben Gurion canal from the Red Sea, through the Negev desert, via Gaza to the Mediterranean gas fields - with lucrative potential in the European market.

What is apparent though, is the fact that many in the so-called 'Freedom Movement' have no spiritual/Biblical understanding - and are therefore themselves not free. Without God's perspective, people will always be divided - and one group will always seek to create division in another. God has always used evil people to bring about His own purposes, and if, without spiritual understanding in specific situations, we oppose them 'in the flesh' - ie. in our own activist strength and wisdom, we might well find ourselves acting against what God wants.

Matthew 16:23, 26:52-53, John 19:11

The 1917 Balfour Declaration situation came about as a result of a mixture of things. This pretty balanced article explains some of the strands, but it leaves out the spiritual component.

In Britain, there was a considerable amount of support among Bible-believing Christians for the Zionist idea. They saw it as the beginning of the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy. The 19th century author George Eliot was one of the most influential, with her brilliant book, 'Daniel Deronda' - (the protagonist is a man who doesn't know he's a Jew, but whose life events draw him towards supporting the idea of Jewish nationalism).
Then there were Bible preachers and Christian writers who spoke and wrote about the fulfilment of prophecies about the return of Jews from the Diaspora to the Promised Land, as a precursor to the Return of Jesus.
It was British Christian Evangelicals (born-again Christians) - who came from the cradle of the 17th and late 18th and early 19th century grass-roots spiritual revivals, (ignored and pooh-poohed by the majority) who not only changed Britain's social situation (eg. emancipation of slaves, factory acts, prison reform, education for the poor) but were looking at Biblical prophecy and praying for its fulfilment (even people like Sir Isaac Newton wrote about it - a fact which Christians have known for years, but which is only now being realised by the mainstream media).

There are many non-Christians in the Freedom Movement today who reject Israel, because they know that the Rothschilds et al financially supported the early Zionist movement. They also supported Britain's war effort. Chaim Weizmann, a Zionist bio-chemist, discovered the use of the bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum (the Weizmann organism). This, when fermented, produced acetone, a key substance in cordite, used to manufacture explosive propellants critical to the Allied war effort in the First World War, giving it the edge over Germany - in return for which Britain passed the Balfour Declaration). These Jews, who can figuratively be called the 'Synagogue of Satan' (Jesus' own words in Rev. 3:9) originally a group of Jews persecuting the early Christians in the ekklesia (congregation) in Philadelphia Asia Minor, are anti-God. Their god is money/Mammon - and arguably, they have links to modern Luciferian worship.

Many of them are bankers (names like Warburg, Rothschild, Loeb, Strauss, Goldman-Sachs, Fink, Schiff etc) - many of them support and have historically supported BOTH sides in world wars and revolutions. Other wealthy Jews support US presidential campaigns. I was amazed to discover how much Trump was supported by such individuals, for example. On the other side, there are evil people like George Soros supporting Leftist agendas and the Democrats; Soros's son, Alexander, has now taken over the reins of his Open Society Foundation empire.

With all of these movements, God's perspective is invisible - because it’s only seen by those who have NO agenda of their own, and are not emotionally sucked in to support one side or another. Even those who claim to be lovers of Israel all too easily end up supporting Jews against Palestinians, because they believe that because God has allowed Jews to come back to Israel, the nation as such, can do no wrong.

The Bible is clear about the fact that God will bring back His people to the Land, (Psalm 126:1); “restore the fortunes of Jacob” (Nahum 2:2; Isaiah 49:6); “show favour to Zion” (Psalm 102:13), Isaiah 2, Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36. The prophets agree that Israel’s last-days restoration would be 2-phased:

1. A physical return to the Land

2. a spiritual return to God

 - that is, Israel would return to the Land in unbelief for the purpose of coming to belief.

Israel might well be involved in ethnic cleansing in Gaza - for all the above reasons – and they are unaware of God's plans in the background - and are only after their own agenda. On the other hand, those who support Hamas are complicit in calling for the murder of Jews, the appalling abuse and exploitation of Palestinians, for political reasons and the eradication of the State of Israel, which God has allowed to be reinstated for HIS own purposes.

The word HAMAS is an acronym of the Arabic phrase حركة المقاومة الإسلامية or Ḥarakah al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement". In the 1988 Hamas Covenant or Charter, the Arabic word ḥamās (حماس) means "zeal", "strength", or "bravery". What's profoundly significant however, is that the word also exists in Hebrew - and is used in Genesis 6:11 and 13, as well as many other places elsewhere in the OT. There, it means 'violence, hatred, brutality, injustice and cruelty'. The word in Hebrew existed long before Arabic was institutionally standardized in the 2nd and 3rd century of the Hijri calendar (9th-10th century AD).
(Gen. 6:11) - The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence (hāmās).
(v. 13) - 'And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence (hāmās) through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.'
(Luke 17:26) - Jesus said: 'Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man.'
There's evil on both sides, and innocent people on both sides caught up in it all, but in the midst of it all, God is quietly drawing both Jews and Palestinians to Himself - many are coming to Jesus in this time of crisis.

Sunday 28 November 2021

In the Current Crisis, What is God saying to me?

The fear of death

 'When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come to pass: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.…' (1 Corinthians 15:54-55)

'For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.' (Philippians 1:21)

If death has lost its sting, and to be with Christ is better than life here – it’s time to realise that FEAR itself (the wrong kind of fear) is always the product of a lie.
‘Has God said?’ The Enemy always tries to deflect us from the truth in Christ.

'Now since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity, so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.' (Hebrews 2:14-15). 

Do not Judge lest you be judged

There are those who feel negatively judged because of an opinion others have.
Living in Germany for 31 years, I’ve realised that because German has different words for
‘judging’ = condemning,
‘judging’ = sentencing, and
‘judging’ = form a right opinion or conclusion about something

In the English-speaking world, Christians can easily be confused by people who tell us, ‘You shouldn’t judge’ – but actually forming a right judgement is vital – and it’s what’s missing in much of the talk about the current world crisis.

The trans-national commonality of it all

If we actually read the biographies of Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and others who have been open about their plans for a one world government for nearly 100 years, people wouldn’t call us conspiracy theorists.


Are we supposed to be barking up the Tree of Knowledge? Or do we follow Christ, who is the REAL source of wisdom and knowledge? Why are people not actually listening to what the Holy Spirit HIMSELF is saying to the Churches? We rely on human knowledge, and even human interpretation of the Bible, because the churches are full of people who don’t actually KNOW Jesus, let alone follow Him.

A Dividing line

What God is saying to me is this:- He allows and is allowing evil to bring a shaking on the earth. This is not our world. Jesus did not call His servants to fight against the evil which took Him to the Cross, because God had a higher plan which would come into effect THROUGH the Cross. However, '...when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in the earth? (Matthew 25:31).

Practically speaking, He has told me that the ‘novel treatments’ are not of Him, and it’s not necessary to get ‘treated’ with them. I am to obey and follow His word – and as long as it depends on me, I am to inform others and stand firm. I lost my old ‘church’ family years ago for asking (different) questions and because of the current crisis, although I haven’t been provocative, am getting flak from my family.

Jesus said, “Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.…’” (Matthew 10:34-35)

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Birthdays. 'A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth.'

'A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth. It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart.' (Ecclesiastes 7:1-2)

(Kings 11:4)
As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.

Ecclesiastes was written by a man who was no longer wholeheartedly focused on the Lord. One might ask why it was included in the biblical canon - I don't know, but God does.

To say that the day of one's death, and attending a funeral is better than the day of one's birth, is better because 'it is better to remember that we will all die and that we should take this to heart', is only a fragment of the truth - and a somewhat cynical one at that; Solomon had lost sight of the One who had twice revealed Himself to him.

In the Bible, there are only two, at most four instances where birthdays are mentioned, and on all four occasions, one or more people died or behaved badly. In the first, and second, people who had offended royalty were executed, in the third, people were crushed when a tornado struck the house where they were celebrating their brother's birthday and in the fourth, it appears that a king's birthday was an opportunity for getting drunk and having an orgy. The Jewish Encyclopaedia explains the Rabbinical position.

What could be a deeper reason for not considering the day of one's birth as less important than the day of one's death?

On the day of one's birth, one is born into a fallen world in which suffering and pain are normal. A person might become bitter, turning the life-force within to hatred and destruction, as it did in Adolf Hitler, who had a brutal upbringing and hated his father. Or the suffering might result in a person's search for the only One who makes sense out of incomprehensible suffering, transforming him into a triumphant overcomer; a beacon of love and peace. The end of a person's life might be descent into the grave and eternal separation from the Love he has rejected, or it might be the embrace of the Beloved in eternal glory and joy. Who knows?

The day of one's death is good to contemplate, because it reminds us that though all die, in Christ, all are made alive, and 'if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.' (Romans 6:8)

This is such a gloriously joyful thought - how wonderful -  that trusting that Jesus' death is also our death, and that being so, in Him, we too, having been 'buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life!' (Romans 6:4).

The day of a person's death is a glorious release from this world's pain and tribulation, into the arms of our Beloved. If a person opens his heart to the love of Jesus and is reborn into the new life of Jesus the Messiah before physical death, although he may still experience suffering and pain, he will know the presence of God and His peace and is transformed into a channel of blessing and hope for others in darkness.

A good name is better than fine perfume. On the day we're born, we usually receive a name from our parents. Our surname is usually that of our father - who gives us identity.

'To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.' (Revelation 2:17) Our name here on earth might be known to no-one, or it might be scorned and rejected, but in Jesus we have a new, secret name, precious to Him.

Is a birthday a day when Self and life in this world is celebrated, or when we recall that we have been given a new name, and life here is a humble, hopeful and happy preparation for eternity?


Sunday 17 January 2021

The New Normal - Will it come to this?

 I have noticed that you can only watch this video by clicking on the YouTube link inside the blocked screen. So in case you want to know what it is before clicking on it, this is the film They don't want you to see - here on Bitchute - and a helpful commenter below has provided the link to the New Normal Documentary website.