Wednesday 21 March 2007

Asking Questions

Jesus did it all the time.
One of the chief deficiencies of Western civilisation, culture and education is its grounding on the Greek model of thinking with its emphasis on an expert speaking from the front and spouting forth dialectic and rhetoric.

So we ended up with teachers at the front of the classroom spouting out knowledge which pupils are expected to learn off by heart for frequent and regular tests, whereupon they quickly forget everything.
We ended up with university lecturers spouting forth their views while students are expected to imbibe it all and regurgitate at a given time.
We ended up with preachers and pastors spouting forth sermons from the front of a religious building, of which, for the most part, most people forget the bulk.

Where's the use? There's no understanding via this method; no application or change in the hearer. In our culture, questioning is frowned upon. It's no wonder our education is so backward, especially in Germany.

In Hebrew thinking however, discussion with emphasis on questions answered by more questions, was the rule. Rob Bell uses the following example in his message 'Dust of the Rabbi':

eg. What's 2 x 2 = ?

Ans. What's 16 /4 = ?

This approach makes a child think harder, apply understanding and promotes creativity and relationship. It's interactive and far more effective.

The following is from
with thanks.


1. The emphasis on the church gathered instead of scattered (bringing people to church instead of going into the entire world).

2. The use of religious buildings versus meeting in the open air and house to house.

3. The phenomenal cost in time, effort, planning, finance and peoples lives, to simply keep a group of believers together (in an institutional setting).

4. The doctrine of ‘covering’ and ‘accountability’ versus the principle of mutual submission.

5. The effort and cost required (and the fruitfulness) of spiritual programs in helping people become followers of the way.

6. The existence of denominations and organizations within the body of Christ.

7. The existence of professionals and hierarchal leadership in the Institutional church.

8. The ‘marketing’ of the Good News – directly working towards making a profit through the selling of materials and personal services(e.g. preaching).

9. The effectiveness and fruitfulness of alter calls and large evangelistic rallies to extend the Kingdom of God and the church.

10. The custom of the ‘sinner’s prayer’ being counted as salvation.

11. The custom of ‘accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative’ and the quasi doctrine of ‘Triumphalisim’.

12. In action putting organization and structure ahead of people.

13. The doctrines of tithing 10% and of financial prosperity through giving versus the principle of giving all that you have.

And lot’s more! I have heard these questions and others raised on a weekly basis by faithful fruitful, non bitter believers. There answers vary, but the questions remain remarkably similar. I have not gone into detail with each question, as each one would require an e letter on their own. But if you have been asking questions such as these, be encouraged, you are not bitter, out of submission or alone. Thousands of others around the world are seeking and finding the answers to these questions. But be warned the answers may have unforeseen actions on your circumstances!'

I can confirm this. It's an adventure; sometimes hard, but it's worth every step of the Way.

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